Saturday, July 25, 2009

Day 5 - Colfax to Republic

#26 Whitman County - Colfax

After doing our tclocks, we headed directly to the courthouse for our picture.

#27 Adams County - Ritzville

Leaving Colfax, we headed west on WA26 to Washtucna where we headed north on WA261 which is a very nice road to motorcycle through to Ritzville. Arriving in Ritzville, we fueled up at the local Chevron and enjoyed breakfast at, yes, McDonalds. We then got our photo at the courthouse (our first time in the actual downtown part of Ritzville) and motored on to the Lincoln County courthouse at Davenport via a fairly straight and boring road.

#28 Lincoln County - Davenport

A county worker commented that the roof was replaced in 1996 after a fire that was intentionally set by a juvenile miscrit who was trying to destroy his criminal record. Here's a link to a picture after the fire. Compare it with the photo we took.

We did catch a cowboy snagging a kiss next to a nice little park.

#29 Spokane County - Spokane

After witnessing the romantic encounter in Davenport, we rode east on US2 to I-90 where we took the Maple Street Bridge route north and zeroed in on the Spokane County Courthouse where there was great parking for a large city courthouse. The only problem was that the courthouse was so large it was difficult to photograph in one picture. This, for me, was the prettiest of the courthouses with its French Renaissance architectural style. Here are a few pictures:

#30 Pend Oreille County - Newport

It took us a while to get out of Spokane with lots of traffic. Riding up US2 to Newport, we passed by a major WSP Radar sting in the southbound lanes using a number of unmarked SUV's. Arriving in Newport, it took a bit to find the courthouse but "eagle-eye" Angela spotted it and we snagged our picture there. This was one of the two courthouses that didn't have the county name above the door although it had the marking in the cornerstone.

After taking the photo we found a VERY nice little family owned (4th generation) deli called Owen's which is right on the main traffic corner across from the historical display of sawmill machinery. Again, this was a very refreshing stop and we highly recommend it.

We refueled once again and then headed west on WA20. We took a rest stop at Tiger and enjoyed some conversation with a number of motorcyclists who were riding in from the west.

Of course, I couldn't miss taking a photo of Tomoose's protective poster. (inside joke and you'll have to ask me privately for an explanation).

This Tomoose fellow is apparently pretty valuable as elk are fair game.

#31 Stevens County - Colville

After a really twisty ride over WA20 and lots of elevation gain, we dropped down into the valley that Colville is located in. The temperature was 101 and we were very, very hot. We found the courthouse, snapped our photos and then headed for a museum that's got lots of shade and cold running water so we can cool off. Following this brief rest break where we watched a deer and two fauns frolic, we were off to ride to Republic and our stop for the night.

#32 Ferry County - Republic

We had hoped to get a bit farther than planned today, but the rest stops for heat and hydration took a toll on us. So when we hit Republic, we refueled the bikes at the local Chevron and bagged our photo.

Then I called our friends who live out on Lake Curlew to see if they could host us for the evening. They glady did so as we have a standing offer to visit them any time (I helped in a minor way to build the house they live in). We grabbed some dinner at Mel's drive in where I converted a mushroom beefalo burger into a salad.

We found it amusing that there was a planned power outage and what does the enterprising business person do? Invite everyone to a picnic in the park.

Arriving at the Byam's house, we watched Joe hand feed a very nice 2 point buck. I also took the opportunity to fix Angela's helmet communication system with a little solder and tape work.

We enjoyed a nice visit with the Byams and a wonderful sunset before retiring for the night. What a refreshing visit. And we only logged some 360 miles today.

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